Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, pubblicato il nuovo trailer “The Wrong Idea”

NIS America ha recentemente pubblicato il trailer “The Wrong Idea” di Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, titolo presto in arrivo su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo dungeon crawler/RPG di NIS America e Nippon Ichi, sarà pubblicato il prossimo autunno sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.

Dronya shows us how to ask a drunk for directions.

In a seemingly peaceful little town, darkness and intrigue brew beneath the surface. Join Dusk Witch Dronya and her brigade of puppet soldiers as they explore a miasma-filled labyrinth. With the aid of the living book, the Tractatus de Monstrum, what will she and her coven discover? And what dangers lurk amidst the poisonous air that fills the unending maze?

Enjoy a brand-new RPG experience in this highly-anticipated title from Nippon Ichi Software. Embark on a tale of a lifetime and uncover the truth behind the Labyrinth of Refrain.

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